
Why we go

Saturday, January 30, 2016

We're Back Home, Final Update

To all who followed us daily, my apologies for the late update.
We had little access to the internet while we were in country on the distribution.
We had a terrific team of people working together to serve the dear ones who came for therapy, mobility and for encouragement.
We served in the neighborhood of 90 people through the week and it was a very wonderful experience.
It was a privilege and honor to work with the students from Huntington University and their professor, Nate Short. These are some outstanding people, our future is bright.
The work was, as always, a challenge as the conditions were less than ideal. But God blessed and we had everything we needed to get the jobs done and the people were more than gracious and appreciative of our efforts.
I grew to love and appreciate the community we served.
God Bless the ones we served and the ones we worked with while there. Thank you all for your prayers and support, we could not have done as well without our prayer warriors.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Very Close now to Arriving

Well, here we are, two days from landing in Haiti. A mixture of excitement and wondering if we have thought of everything, packed everything, have we prayed enough?
We will find out very soon I suppose.
I am reminded now of the feeding of the 5000 and God's faithfulness then, He took what was offered, satisfied them all and then as a show of grace and faithfulness, they collected the spare.
He always makes spare when we bring what we have and put it in His hands.
So, when we get there and remember what we wanted to pack but didn't, look for what we need but didn't pack or think "boy, that would sure be handy now", God will provide. And not only provide, He will provide in abundance so that we will know it had to be Him looking out for us.
As we prepare to board the plane, where ever we are, pray for safe travels, on time flights and for rest as we go out to serve.
Thanks for praying,

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Little Over Two Weeks Out

Here it is, December 23rd already, visions of sugar plums are almost dancing on my head.
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Messiah we are also preparing our hearts and minds for our journey. Lists are being made and checked. Supplies are being gathered and organized. All while we think of family time together and the task ahead of us.
Please pray for:
Team unity, that we will become focused to be the hands and feet of Jesus to friends we have yet to meet and serve.
Team health, as this is the beginning of cold and flu season in many areas, ask God to protect us from the germs and viruses that are always on the loose this time of year.
Ask God to give us strength and endurance for the (probably) long days of serving the people of Haiti that we will contact.
Pray for those of us who are making this trip for the first time and the ones who are 'veterans', we will see things we don't see at home. It can be a shock to our senses, ask God for a double portion of Grace to see us through.

Pray especially for the families who are sending us, who will be concerned that we are getting enough rest, that we are eating okay and who will miss us at the table while we are serving in Haiti. Ask God to provide peace of mind and to protect them until we get back.
I look forward to seeing some again, and other for the first time. God has an adventure for us, we bring what little we have to offer, He will provide the increase. He fed the multitude and had leftovers because He could.
Trusting Him for everything,
